Star Trek: Year Five #19
Star Trek: Year Five #19 Publisher: IDW Writer: Jim McCann Cover Artist: Stephen Thompson Cover Colors: Charlie Kirchoff Artist: Angel Hernandez Colorist: Fran Gamboa Letterer: Neil Uyetake Reviewer: Michael Nunneley After picking up a distress call from Proxima Centauri, the crew of the Enterprise make a horrible discovery -- a deadly pandemic is ravaging the planet! Before they can find out who unleashed this new virus, and why, the terror comes home when Dr. McCoy discovers a tear in his EVA suit. Meanwhile Sulu and Chekov are confronted by Isis - who is hungry for revenge! Art by JJ. Lendi I am learning something about colorists in doing these reviews: they have a lot of control over how the art looks. What I means is that we have the same consistent artist (Hernandez) working on several Star Trek books, there is little to no change with his pencils/inks - he is a good, solid artist. However, each book looks a bit different because of the different colorists Hernandez works...